Saturday, August 25, 2012

J.M. Coetzee: DISGRACE

The session began with a presentation by Maren of the blog she has been setting up to serve as our public vitrine and – possibly – a members-only communication tool:

We then moved on to a discussion of J.M. Coetzee’s DISGRACE. This book choice was universally applauded: apparently we all felt, from the first page, that we were in the hands of a master. Discussion ranged widely. How about using our blog’s comments function to complete and fill out the elements noted below?
  • Elegant storytelling: how much information Coetzee packs into just the first sentence (“For a man of his age, fifty-two, divorced, he has, to his mind, solved the problem of sex rather well.”)!
  • Pragmatism and morality: this is what will happen vs. this is what should happen
  • The quixotic fixations of David and Lucy, he on his erotic infatuation, she on the land
  • David’s refusal to confess himself to the disciplinary committee, Lucy’s refusal to report her rape
  • David’s apology, upon his return, to Melanie’s family – why not to Melanie?
  • Melanie’s rape, Lucy’s rape
  • David’s decision, at the end of the book, that Driepoot’s time has come: compassion or despair?
Rather than including the schedule of future meetings and book selection responsibilities, I direct you to the Agenda tab of our blog!


  1. My goodness, Maren, you're efficient!

  2. Easy! Once the way of working is set up, it's really easy to keep the blog updated! Hope on many posts... ;-)

  3. Come on, people ...
